Someone on this forum made a remarkable statement that I will never forget. He said something to the effect of, "if the Society teaches that children as young as eight or nine are ready to make their dedication to 'Jehovah', then they are ready to decide whether or not they wish to attend meetings." That shut his pushy ex up who was trying to get their child baptized.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Is it 16?
by Jrjw inhi can anyone tell me if it's true the society says parents must take their child to meetings until they're 16 even if they don't want to?
my ex is being a pain about me not forcing my 12 year old to be a witness.
he doesn't know i'm becoming inactive at moment so i have to be careful how i word things to him.
Who Do JWs Fear The Most? Top Five
by Fred Franztone init's a fear-based religion, at its core.
jws fear many things, but what or who do they fear the most?
let's find out.... 5) satan.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Being disfellowshipped. That was my childhood nightmare.
Matthew 24:34 NEW UNDERSTANDING (January 2018 JW Broadcasting)
by Alfred indavid splane explains newest understanding" of 'this generation" adding a 3rd group.... .
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Alfred I would laugh if the whole teaching didn't make my head hurt. Is this chart joking that the overlapping generation gets overlapped ad infinitum?
by Jrjw ini've on my been on this forum for a few weeks but the more i'm learning the more ill its making me feel that i believed the wts.
my 12yr old today said i've made her miss out on having a normal childhood and i felt sick when she said it coz i know it's true.
i've been telling my dad today the things i've learned that wts had lied about and about the child abuse and he's disgusted too especially coz he's missed out on 12 years of being able to celebrate birthdays with us.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Jrjw and @redpilltwice Here's what I completey respect and admire about you two: you're both parents who have the humility and compassion to look your children in the eye and say "I had it wrong. I am so sorry."
@redpilltwice, you were an elder, yet you've shed whatever arrogance and clout you must have felt back in WT land to see things from your children's perspective. They are so fortunate to have a compassionate and sensitive father like you.
@Jrjw Your daughter could be far worse off. She could have a mother who is just like her father. Fortunately, you're the one parent who is giving her a shot at real life. She's consciously lost a decade. Now, the two of you can spend the rest of your lives making up for it together.
I can't tell you all how painful it is to be the daughter of two dogmatic parents who, even in the face of damning evidence that the WT is a corrupt entity that has been LYING to them, are more interested in saving face and being "right" than salvaging their relationship with me.
Disassociation and being young, experiences?
by Kohanic inok so im new here~ hey-yo!.
i found this site cause i've been looking around at experiences of people leaving 'the truth' as i've been wanting to leave for some time now.
it's interesting as y'know i'd never seen it from the other side as its apostate literature and all that jazz lol.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Kohanic Hey! There's a poster on this forum who goes by the handle @Jules Saturn. He's in a similar situation to you, hon. Woke up at 21, still under his parents' roof and in a relationship with a normal ("worldly") woman. I'd check out his posts because you'll find a lot of parallels between you guys and some good feedback:
JW Stumper Questions - List You Best Here
by pale.emperor inhi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@FedUpJw They usually say they would still do it because it's the best way of life. #bestlifeever
Birthdays are Evil - so they said
by EverApostate inlast week i celebrated my birthday.
accepted well wishes from people near and far.
had been happily accepting wishes from people since i quit the cult.. as a jw, (brainwashed ) belief that birthdays are evil was the stupidest belief i had in all my life.. when in, i had a hard time to explain to people that i don’t celebrate birthdays.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
When explaining it to normal people, I used to play up how it was really a personal thing because it went against my nature to glorify myself and put myself at center stage for everyone to buy gifts for. All I did was not die for 12 months.
The truth was, I was programmed to detest birthdays since infancy. I can't find the original 1978 version of this picture, but I recall the decapitation being far more graphic:
Then I went to @stuckinarut2 and @Unstuck's combined birthday and realized... I WANT A BIRTHDAY!!! I'll still probably have a no-gifts policy or something next year when I do my first proper birthday (I can't shake that feeling of being undeserving from my WT upbringing). The company in itself will be more than joyous to experience :).
Girls are unpredictable, materialist, and use us, men, as a toy - Part 3
by will-be-apostate ina year ago i had a rough time and posted this .
it was a controversial topic, some people got offended by my overly boastful tone, others offered help.
i appreciate any kind of opinion and i try to correct the flaws in my personality.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@nonjwspouse Sounds like it's a ménage à pass from both of us, then. Sorry @DJS.
Are We all Witnesses Here?
by ini am new to this site, want to know who in the admin and are we all jw?.
if yes, i am from nigeria, west african.
as an active and dedicated witness i want to tread safe.. need to make some friends here; i love honesty in all things.. best regards.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Tread safe from what?
There's no explicit content or scams involved on this site :). We're all just regular people who are providing online support, friendship and advice.
Most of all, we're individuals with a shared passion for truth and honesty above all things.
"The integrity of the upright guides them,
but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity."-Prov 11:3
Girls are unpredictable, materialist, and use us, men, as a toy - Part 3
by will-be-apostate ina year ago i had a rough time and posted this .
it was a controversial topic, some people got offended by my overly boastful tone, others offered help.
i appreciate any kind of opinion and i try to correct the flaws in my personality.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Sorry @nonjwspouse :P. I feel real bad for @will-be-apostate. This whole thread has seriously gone down the toilet.